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Standard for terminology of heating,ventilation and air conditioning

GB/T 50155-2015







现批准《供暖通风与空气调节术语标准》为国家标准,编号为GB/T 50155-2015,自2015年10月1日起实施。原《采暖通风与空气调节术语标准》GB 50155-92同时废止。


































本标准主要起草人员:潘云钢 丁力行 王曙明 孙延勋 徐文华 付祥钊 李德英 李安桂 李念平 寿炜炜 满孝新 杨国荣 戎向阳 夏令操 伍小亭 徐稳龙 石文星 陈祖铭 曹阳 胡松涛 李著萱 高甫生 胡竹萍 龚雪 贾晶 刘明 于向阳 易新文

本标准主要审查人员:徐伟 李先庭 李娥飞 王唯国 郎四维 许钟麟 符永正 于晓明 孟庆林 杨健 牛小化



1.0.1 为统一规范供暖通风与空气调节工程的术语,实现专业术语的标准化,促进供暖通风与空气调节技术的发展,制定本标准。

1.0.2 本标准适用于供暖通风与空气调节工程的设计、施工、验收、运行维护及科研、教学等。

1.0.3 供暖通风与空气调节术语除应符合本标准的规定外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。


2.1 一般术语

2  基本术语

2.1  一般术语

2.1.1  计算参数  parameters for calculation


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2.1.2  空气温度  air temperature


2.1.3  干球温度  dry-bulb temperature


2.1.4  湿球温度  wet-bulb temperature


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2.1.5  黑球温度  black globe temperature


2.1.6  露点温度  dew-point temperature


2.1.7  空气湿度  air humidity


2.1.8  绝对湿度  absolute humidity


2.1.9  相对湿度  relative humidity


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2.1.10  含湿量  humidity ratio


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2.1.11  历年值  annual value


2.1.12  累年值  normal value


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2.1.13  历年最冷月  annual coldest month


2.1.14  历年最热月  annual hottest month


2.1.15  累年最冷月  normal coldest month


2.1.16  累年最热月  normal hottest month


2.1.17  累年最冷三个月  normal coldest 3-month period


2.1.18  累年最热三个月  normal hottest 3-month period


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2.1.19  不保证天数


2.1.20  不保证小时数


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2.1.21  滑动平均  moving averages


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2.1.22  辐射强度  radiant intensity


2.1.23  辐射照度  irradiance


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2.1.24  热桥  thermal bridge


2.1.25  可吸入颗粒物  inhaleble particles


2.1.26  细颗粒物  particulate matter


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2.1.27  供暖  heating


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2.1.28  通风  ventilation


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2.1.29  空气调节  air conditioning


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2.1.30  空气净化  air purification


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2.1.31  冷热源  cold and heat source


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2.1.32  可再生能源  renewable energy resource


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2.2 室内设计参数及热舒适

2.2  室内设计参数及热舒适

2.2.1  室内温(湿)度  indoor temperature(humidity)


2.2.2  工作地点温度  temperature at work place


2.2.3  室内空气计算参数  indoor air design conditions


2.2.4  室内温湿度基数  indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity


2.2.5  室内温湿度允许波动范围  allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity


2.2.6  区域温差  space temperature variation


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2.2.7  热舒适  thermal comfort


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2.2.8  预计平均热感觉指数  predicted mean vote


2.2.9  预计不满意者的百分数  predicted percentage of dissat-isfied


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2.2.10  不适冷风感  draft


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2.2.11  空气分布特性指标  air diffusion performance index


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2.2.12  热应激指标  heat stress index


2.2.13  有效温度  effective temperature


2.2.14  新有效温度  new effective temperature


2.2.15  标准有效温度  standard effective temperature


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2.2.16  湿球黑球温度指数  wet-bulb-globe temperature index

   用于综合评价人体接触生产环境热强度的一个经验指数,简称WBGT index。

2.2.17  平均辐射温度  mean radiant temperature


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2.2.18  操作温度  operative temperature


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2.2.19  隔热  thermal insulation


2.3 室外计算参数

2.3  室外计算参数

2.3.1  室外温(湿)度  outdoor temperature(humidity)


2.3.2  定时温(湿)度  fixed time temperature(humidity)


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2.3.3  日平均温(湿)度   mean daily temperature(humidity)


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2.3.4  月平均温(湿)度  mean monthly temperature(humid-ity)


2.3.5  年平均温(湿)度  mean annual temperature(humidi-ty)


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2.3.6  月平均最高温度  mean monthly maximum temperature


2.3.7  月平均最低温度  mean monthly minimum temperature


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2.3.8  极端最高温度  extreme maximum temperature


2.3.9  极端最低温度  extreme minimum temperature


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2.3.10  日较差  daily range


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2.3.11  大气压力  atmospheric pressure


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2.3.12  水蒸气分压力  partial pressure of water vapor


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2.3.13  平均相对湿度  mean relative humidity


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2.3.14  风速  wind speed


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2.3.15  平均风速  mean wind speed


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2.3.16  风向  wind direction


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2.3.17  风向频率  frequency of wind direction


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2.3.18  最多风向  dominant wind direction


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2.3.19  日照率  percentage of sunshine


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2.3.20  最大冻土深度  maximum depth of frozen ground


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2.3.21  室外气象计算参数  outdoor air design conditions


2.3.22  供暖室外计算温度  outdoor design temperature for heating


2.3.23  冬季通风室外计算温度  outdoor design temperature for winter ventilation


2.3.24  冬季空气调节室外计算温度  outdoor design tempera-ture for winter air conditioning


2.3.25  冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度  outdoor design rela-tive humidity for winter air conditioning


2.3.26  冬季围护结构室外计算温度  outdoor design tempera-ture for calculated envelope in winter


2.3.27  夏季通风室外计算温度  outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation


2.3.28  夏季通风室外计算相对湿度  outdoor design relative humidity for summer ventilation


2.3.29  夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度  outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning


2.3.30  夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度  outdoor design wet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning


2.3.31  夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度  outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning


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2.3.32  夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度  outdoor design hour-ly temperature for summer air conditioning


2.3.33  供暖室外临界温度  outdoor critical air temperature for heating


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2.3.34  计算供暖期天数  heating period for calculation


2.3.35  计算供暖期室外平均温度  mean outdoor temperature during heating period


2.3.36  供暖度日数  heating degree days


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2.3.37  供冷度日数  cooling degree days


2.3.38  太阳常数  solar constant


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2.3.39  太阳高度角  solar altitude


2.3.40  太阳方位角  solar azimuth


2.3.41  地方太阳时  local solar time


2.3.42  太阳赤纬  solar declination


2.3.43  太阳辐射  solar radiation


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2.3.44  太阳直射辐射  diffusion solar radiation


2.3.45  天空散射辐射  sky radiation


2.3.46  总辐射  global radiation


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2.3.47  太阳辐射照度  solar irradiance


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2.3.48  大气透明度  atmospheric transparency


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2.3.49  典型气象年  typical meteorological year


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2.3.50  冬季最多风向平均风速  mean wind speed of dominant wind direction at winter


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2.3.51  极端含湿量  extreme moisture content


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2.3.52  标准状态  normal state


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2.3.53  环境测试舱  environmental test chamber


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2.4 室内空气质量

2.4  室内空气质量

2.4.1  室内环境  indoor environment


2.4.2  室内空气质量  indoor air quality


2.4.3  室内空气质量参数  indoor air quality parameter


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2.4.4  空气动力学直径  aerodynamic diameter


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2.4.5  挥发性有机物  volatile organic compound


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2.4.6  总挥发性有机物  total volatile organic compound

   利用Tenax GC或Tenax TA采样,用气相色谱非极性柱分析保留时间在正己烷和正十六烷之间并包括它们在内的已知和未知的挥发性有机物总称,简称TVOC。

2.4.7  年平均浓度  annual mean concentration


2.4.8  日平均浓度  daily average concentration


2.4.9  小时平均浓度  hourly average concentration


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2.4.10  新风量  outdoor air rate


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2.4.11  氡浓度  radon concentration


2.4.12  土壤表面氡析出率  radon exhalation rate from soil surface


2.4.13  内照射指数  internal exposure index


2.4.14  外照射指数  external exposure index


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2.4.15  水性涂料  water based coating material


2.4.16  游离甲醛释放量  content of released formaldehyde


2.4.17  游离甲醛含量  content of free formaldehyde


2.4.18  截止点  cut off


2.4.19  串级冲击式采样器  cascade impactor


2.4.20  冲击式采样器  impinger


2.4.21  等速采样  isokinetic sampling


10'>《供暖通风与空气调节术语标准[附条文说明]》GB/T 50155-2015


附录B 英文索引


abatement 6.1.1

absolute humidity 2.1.8

absolute humidity ratio exchange effectiveness 5.4.38

absolute roughness 3.5.13

absorbate 4.5.12

absorbent 4.5.10

absorber 7.3.15

absorptance for solar radiation 5.2.8

absorption energy recovery equipment 5.6.64

absorption equipment 4.5.9

absorpnon heating cycle 7.2.19

absorpnon of gas and vapor 4.5.2

absorption refrigeration 7.1.3

absorption-type refrigerating machine 7.3.13

absorption-type water chiller 7.3.29

acceleration of vibration 9.3.4

access door 4.6.28

accumulative cooling load of design day 5.2.35

accumulative heating load of design day 5.2.36

accuracy 8.1.27

acoustic board 9.2.24

actual density 4.4.24

actuator 8.3.32

adaptive control system 8.2.39

additional factor for exterior door 3.2.30

additional factor for intermittent heating 3.2.32

additional factor for room height 3.2.31

additional factor for wind force 3.2.29

additional heat loss 3.2.25

adiabatic humidification 5.4.16

adjustable air opening 4.6.42

adjustable ratio of regulator 8.3.48

adsorbate 4.5.15

adsorbent 4.5.14

adsorption equipment 4.5.13

adsorption of gas and vapor 4.5.3

adsorption refrigeration 7.1.4

aerodynamic diameter 2.4.4

aerodynamic noise 9.2.6

aerosol 4.4.12

air age 4.1.36

air balance 4.1.18

air change efficiency 4.1.38

air changes rate 4.1.15

air collector 3.6.37

air conditioning 2.1.29

air conditioning machine room 5.1.14

air conditioning system 5.3.1

air conditioning system cooling load 5.2.29

air conditioning unit for clean operating room 6.3.51

air contaminant 6.1.4

air cooler 5.6.48

air current switch 8.3.62

air curtain 3.6.26

air cushion shock absorber 9.3.14

air diffusion performance index 2.2.11

air distribution 5.5.1

air distributor 4.6.22

air face velocity 5.4.42

air filter 6.3.1

air handling equipment 5.6.1

air heater 3.6.25

air humidity 2.1.7

air inlet 5.5.32

air inlet or outlet 4.6.19

air inlet or outlet with slide plate 4.6.24

air intake 4 .3.11

air leakage rate 4.1.31

air lock 6.3.47

air movement of fan 5.5.22

air pattern 6.2.7

air preheater 5.6.47

air preheater 7.4.20

air purification 2.1.30

air return mode 5.5.28

air return through corridor 5.5.29

air self cleaner 6.3.39

air shower booth 6.3.45

air space 3.2.2

air supply mode 5.5.16

air supply volume per unit area 5.5.23

air system leakage ratio 4.1.33

air temperature 2.1.2

air through tunnel 4.2.21

air to air energy recovery 5.4.36

air vent 3.6.47

airborne bacteria 6.2.19

airborne particle 6.2.23

air-purification coating 6.2.30

air-source heat pump 7.5.9

air-to-air energy recovery equipment 5.6.57

air-to-air sensible heat exchanger 5.6.59

air-to-air total heat exchanger 5.6.58

air-water system 5.3.10

ait-to-cloth ratio 4.4.45

alarm signal 8.1.40

alarm unit 8.3.58

all-air system 5.3.5

allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity 2.2.5

all-water system 5.3.13

ambient air 6.1.5

ambient noise 9.1.17

amplification factor of controlled plant 8.1.12

amplitude 9.3.3

analog input 8.1.38

analog output 8.1.39

analog signal 8.1.35

analog-digital converter 8.3.65

angle of repose 4.4.22

angle of slide 4.4.23

angle scale 5.4.19

angle valve 3.6.45

annual coldest month 2.1.13

annual cooling consumption on air conditioning 5.2.38

annual heat consumption 3.2.41

annual heat consumption on air-conditioning 5.2.37

annual heat consumption on hot-water supply 3.2.45

annual heat consumption on process heating 3.2.44

annual heat consumption on space-heating 3.2.42

annual hottest month 2.1.14

annual mean concentration 2.4.7

annual performance factor 7.1.15

annual value 2.1.11

anti-corrosion 9.1.20

antifreeze 7.2.13

anti-microbe filter 6.3.22

apparatus dew point 5.4.28

aqua-ammonia absorption-type refrigerating machine 7.3.16

as-built 6.2.14

aspiration psychrometer 8.3.68

assembly cleanroom 6.3.23

atmospheric diffusion 4.5.16

atmospheric direct-contact heat water unit 7.3.37

atmospheric dust 4.4.13

atmospheric indirect-contact heat water unit 7.3.38

atmospheric lifetime 7.2.6

atmospheric pollution 6.1.3

atmospheric pressure 2.3.11

atmospheric pressure boiler 7.4.6

atmospheric stability 4.5.18

atmospheric transparency 2.3.48

atmospheric turbulence 4.5.17

at-rest 6.2.15

attenuation ratio 8.1.21

automatic control 8.1.1

automatic roll filter 4.7.24

automatic vent 3.6.48

automatical softener 7.4.29

automation instrumentation 8.1.3

auxiliary air hood 4.3.31

available pressure differencial 3.5.25

average age of air 4.1.37

average daily sol-air temperature 5.2.6

A-weighted sound pressure level 9.1.4

axial fan 4.7.3

azeotropic refrigerant 7.2.2


back pressure of steam trap 3.1.39

back pressure return of steam trap 3.1.47

back-flow preventer 4.6.17

background noise 9.1.18

baffle plate 4.2.17

bag-type air filter 6.3.16

balancing valve 3.6.62

basic heat loss 3.2.24

bend muffler 9.2.20

biological cleanroom 6.3.26

biological contaminants 4.4.53

biosafety laboratory 6.3.27

black globe temperature 2.1.5

boiler 7.4.1

boiler room 7.4.2

boiler thermal efficiency 7.4.25

booster 3.6.13

booster pump 3.6.55

booster pump station 3.6.56

branch pipe 3.4.22

breathing zone 5.1.9

building automation system 8.2.1

building envelope 3.2.1

building flow zones 4.2.5

building heating entry 3.1.44

bushing 3.4.40

butterfly damper 4.6.9

butterfly valve 3.6.44

by-pass damper 4.3.14

by-pass pipe 3.4.26

bypass VAV terminal 5.6.31


canopy hood 4.3.23

capture velocity 4.3.28

capturing hood 4.3.16

carbon air filter 6.3.21

cascade control system 8.2.37

cascade impactor 2.4.19

cast iron radiator 3.6.19

catalytic combustion 4.5.7

ceiling module with air curtain 6.3.36

ceiling radiant heating 3.1.20

center frequency 9.1.12

central air conditioning system 5.3.2

centralized air supply 3.1.18

centralized control 8.2.5

centralized heating 3.1.1

centrifugal fan 4.7.2

characteristic curve 8.1.46

charged-media electric air filter 6.3.19

check valve 3.6.40

chilled beam 5.6.22

chilled water 7.1.7

chilled water pump 7.3.57

chimney 4.5.21

circuit flow rate 3.3.25

circuit header 7.5.19

circular coil ice storage device 7.3.46

circulating pump 3.6.12

circulation pipe 3.4.28

clean bench 6.3.29

clean booth 6.3.24

clean garment stocker 6.3.42

clean oven 6.3.38

clean shelf 6.3.43

clean working area 6.2.12

clean working garment 6.2.13

clean zone 6.2.2

cleanliness 6.2.5

cleanliness class 6.2.6

cleanliness recovery time 6.2.18

cleanout opening 4.6.27

cleanroom 6.2.1

climate compensator 8.3.69

close nipple 3.4.41

closed booth 4.3.21

closed full flow return of steam trap 3.1.48

closed loop control 8.2.18

closed return of steam trap 3.1.46

closed tank 3.6.10

closed-loop surface water system 7.5.18

CO sensor 8.3.12

CO2 sensor 8.3.11

coefficient of accumulation of heat 3.2.17

coefficient of contact 5.4.41

coefficient of effective heat emission 4.2.14

coefficient of heat transfer 3.2.12

coefficient of local resistance 3.5.16

coefficient of performance 7.1.11

coefficient of performance of air conditioning system 5.3.29

coefficient of vapor permeability 3.2.21

coil 5.6.49

cold air distribution system 5.3.28

cold and heat source 2.1.31

cold insulation 9.4.1

combined cooling,heating and power system 7.4.34

combined heat and power system 7.4.33

combustion of gas and vapor 4.5.4

comfort air conditioning 5.1.1

common riser 3.3.22

ommon section 3.5.4

communication interface 8.2.4

communication protocol 8.2.3

compensator 3.6.38

composite control equipment 8.3.70

composite evaporative cooling 5.4.45

comprehensive control system 8.2.2

compression heating cycle 7.2.21

compression refrigeration cycle 7.2.18

compression-type refrigerating machine 7.3.1

compression-type water chiller 7.3.28

concentrating collector 7.5.3

concentration of harmful substance 4.1.24

condensate drain pan 5.6.53

condensate pipe 3.4.16

condensate pump 3.6.14

condensate tank 3.6.8

condensation 7.2.24

condensation of vapor 4.5.8

condenser 7.3.3

condensing boiler 7.4.10

condensing pressure 7.2.25

condensing temperature 7.2.26

conditioned space 5.1.8

conditioned zone 5.1.6

confidence 8.1.26

configuration software 8.1.52

conical cowl 4.6.7

constant air volume terminal 5.6.26

constant humidity system 5.3.16

constant temperature and humidity system 5.3.17

constant temperature system 5.3.15

constant volume air conditioning system 5.3.3

constant volume water system 5.3.36

constant-flow water chiller 7.3.33

constant-speed water chiller 7.3.35

containment area 4.5.28

content of free formaldehyde 2.4.17

content of released formaldehyde 2.4.16

continuous control 8.2.14

continuous dust dislodging 4.4.47

continuous heating 3.1.5

continuous regulation 8.2.25

contour zone 4.2.6

control accuracy 8.1.50

control device 8.1.2

control level 4.4.54

control panel 8.3.55

control valve 8.3.35

controlled plant 8.1.4

controlled variable 8.1.5

convection heating 3.1.15

convector 3.6.18

cooker hood 4.3.30

cool storage 7.3.39

cooling 5.4.11

cooling air curtain 5.6.23

cooling coil 5.6.51

cooling coil section 5.6.17

cooling degree days 2.3.37

cooling load from heat conduction through envelope 5.2.24

cooling load from outdoor air 5.2.25

cooling load temperature 5.2.28

cooling tower 7.3.53

cooling water 7.1.8

cooling water pump 7.3.56

cooling water system 7.3.52

corner pieces 4.6.35

correcting element 8.3.33

correcting unit 8.3.31

correction factor for orientation 3.2.28

corrosion inhibitor 7.2.12

corrosion inhibitor 9.4.11

corrosive resistant fan 9.4.12

coupling 3.4.33

cowl 4.6.5

criteria for noise control 9.2.2

cross 3.4.38

cut diameter 4.4.39

cut off 2.4.18

cycle flow type clean bench 6.3.31

cyclone dust separator 4.7.11

cylindrical ventilator 4.6.4


daily average concentration 2.4.8

daily range 2.3.10

daily-use oil tank 7.4.27

damping factor 3.2.19

data scanning 8.1.48

dead band 8.1.25

decentralized heating 3.1.2

decibel 9.1.8

degree of hydraulic misadjustment 3.5.34

degree of subcooling 7.2.28

degree of superheat 7.2.35

degree of thermal misadjustment 3.5.43

dehumidification 5.4.13

dehumidifying cooling 5.4.17

deposition velocity 4.4.32

derivative element 8.3.27

derivative time 8.1.30

design day 5.2.34

desorption 4.5.11

detecting element 8.3.2

deviation 8.1.15

dew-point temperature 2.1.6

differential pressure transducer 8.3.7

diffuser 4.6.20

diffuser air supply 5.5.18

diffusion solar radiation 2.3.44

digital input 8.1.36

digital output 8.1.37

digital signal 8.1.34

digital-analog converter 8.3.66

direct air conditioning system 5.3.8

direct closed-loop groundwater system 7.5.14

direct combustion 4.5.5

direct connection 3.3.23

direct digital control system 8.2.35

direct evaporative cooling 5.4.43

direct return system 3.3.10

direct-expansion cool storage system 7.3.42

direct-fired lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating ma-chine 7.3.23

directional flow type clean bench 6.3.30

disc type diffuser 4.6.39

discharge pressure 7.2.22

discharge temperature 7.2.23

displacement ventilation 5.5.35

display device 8.3.57

distributed control system 8.2.40

district heating 3.1.42

disturbance frequency 9.3.6

dominant wind direction 2.3.18

double-effect 7.3.19

double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating ma-

chine 7.3.22

down draft 4.2.18

downfeed system 3.3.18

downstream spray pattern 5.4.24

draft 2.2.10

drain pipe 3.4.25

drainage pipe 3.4.29

drier 7.3.9

droplet 4.4.17

dry air 5.4.1

dry air energy 7.5.26

dry condensate return pipe 3.4.17

dry cooling condition 5.4.20

dry dust separator 4.7.9

dry steam 5.4.2

dry steam humidifier 5.6.34

dry type air filter 6.3.2

dry-bulb temperature 2.1.3

dual duct air conditioning system 5.3.7

dual-fans air conditioning unit 5.6.9

duct accessory 4.6.33

duct fittings 4.6.32

dust 4.4.8

dust collector 4.7.7

dust concentration 4.4.35

dust removal 4.4.1

dust removing system 4.4.2

dust source 4.4.29

dust-holding capacity 4.4.42

dynamic deviation 8.1.17


economic resistance of heat transfer 3.2.16

economic thickness of insulation layer 9.4.5

economic velocity 3.5.22

effective coefficient of local resistance 3.5.18

effective draft temperature 5.5.41

effective length 3.5.9

effective stack height 4.5.24

effective temperature 2.2.13

ejector 7.3.25

elbow 3.4.36

electric air cleaner 6.3.18

electric atmospheric pressure hot water boiler 7.4.14

electric boiler 7.4.3

electric fan 4.7.30

electric heater 5.6.45

electric heater section 5.6.14

electric pressure hot water boiler 7.4.13

electric resistance humidifier 5.6.35

electric steam boiler 7.4.15

electricity consumption to transferred cooling or heat quantity ra-tio 5.2.33

electricity consumption to transferred heat quantity ratio 3.1.50

electrode humidifier 5.6.36

electronic expansion valve 7.3.6

electro-pneumatic convertor 8.3.29

electrostatic precipitator 4.7.15

eletric radiant heating 3.1.25

eliminator 5.6.55

elutriation 6.2.29

emergency ventilation 4.1.12

emergency ventilation system 4.3.6

emission concentration 4.5.25

enclosed hood 4.3.18

energy efficiency ratio 7.1.12

energy storage air conditioning system 5.3.30

enthalpy control system 8.2.32

enthalpy entropy chart 7.2.10

enthalpy exchange effectiveness 5.4.39

environmental test chamber 2.3.53

equal percentage flow characteristic 8.3.45

equally proportional hydraulic misadjustment 3.5.38

equally proportional thermal misadjustment 3.5.47

equipment noise 4.1.39

equipment noise 9.2.8

equivalent cofficient of local resistance 3.5.17

equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level 9.1.5

equivalent length 3.5.8

eutectic salt cool storage 7.3.49

evacuated tube collector 7.5.4

evaporating pressure 7.2.30

evaporating temperature 7.2.31

evaporati‘on rate of heating surface 7.4.24

evaporative cooling air conditioning system 5.3.25

evaporative cooling air handling unit 5.6.10

evaporative water chiller 7.3.31

evaporator 7.3.4

excess pressure 4.2.4

excessive heat 4.1.21

exhaust air rate 4.1.17

exhaust fan 4.3.9

exhaust fan room 4.3.10

exhaust hood 4.3.15

exhaust inlet 4.6.25

exhaust opening 5.5.33

exhaust outlet 4.6.26

exhaust type clean bench 6.3.32

expand-type air filter 6.3.12

expansion pipe 3.4.27

expansion tank 3.6.7

explosion proof fan 4.7.27

external exposure index 2.4.14

extraction fan 4.7.28

extractor 4.7.29

extreme maximum temperature 2.3.8

extreme minimum temperature 2.3.9

extreme moisture content 2.3.51


fabric collector 4.7.13

fan 4.7.1

fan section 5.6.18

fan-coil air conditioning system 5.3.14

fan-coil unit 5.6.20

feeDBack 8.1.6

feed-forward control 8.2.16

feeding and return branch of radiator to riser 3.4.23

fibrous dust 4.4.9

fielDBus control system 8.2.41

filter 7.3.8

filter efficiency 4.4.43

filter media 4.4.50

filter section 5.6.11

filtration velocity 4.4.46

final resistance of filter 4.4.41

fire damper in smoke-venting system 4.6.31

fire-resisting damper 4.6.14

fire-resisting duct 4.6.38

fittings and accessories in heating pipeline 3.4.9

fixed air opening 4.6.41

fixed set-point control 8.2.24

fixed support 3.4.43

fixed time temperature(humidity) 2.3.2

flame combustion 4.5.6

flash gas 7.2.14

flash steam 3.1.32

flat plate collector 7.5.2

flexible duct 4.6.2

flexible joint 4.6.3

flexible joint 9.3.15

float steam trap 3.6.52

float valve 3.6.46

floating control 8.2.27

floating double vibration isolation platform 9.3.18

floor heating system 3.3.8

floor radiant heating 3.1.21

flow capacity of control valve 8.3.47

flow characteristic of control valve 8.3.42

flow ratio control 8.2.20

flow transducer 8.3.8

flue gas heat recovery facility 7.4.19

foam dust separator 4.7.19

foil-insulant composite duct 4.6.37

folded media-type filter 6.3.13

folded media-type filter with separator 6.3.14

follow-up control system 8.2.36

forced draft mechnical cooling tower 7.3.54

forward flow zone 5.5.8

four-pipe water system 5.3.21

free cooling 7.1.19

free jet 5.5.4

frequency control 8.2.19

frequency interval 9.1.9

frequency of wind direction 2.3.17

fricional resistance 3.5.10

friction fartnr 3.5.12

full cool storage 7.3.40

full heat storage 7.3.50

fume 4.4.15

fume hood 4.3.22

fumes 4.4.16

fumes heat exchange 7.3.26

fuzzy eontrol 8.2.15


gas purger 7.3.11

gas velocity at the entry of the exhaust hood 4.3.27

gas-fired boiler 7.4.12

gas-fired infrared heating 3.1.24

gate valve 3.6.43

general exhaust ventilation 4.1.4

general ventilation 4.1.3

generator 7.3.14

global radiation 2.3.46

global warming potential 7.2.4

globe type outlet 4.6.47

grade efficiency 4.4.38

granular bed filter 4.7.14

granulometric distribution 4.4.21

grille 4.6.44

gross collector area 7.5.5

ground heat exchanger 7.5.13

ground-level concentration 4.5.26

ground-source heat pump system 7.5.11


hand pump 3.6.15

harmful gas and vapor 4.5.1

harmful substance 4.1.23

header 3.4.32

header 3.6.35

header 3.6.36

heat and moisture transfer 5.4.22

heat balance 4.1.19

heat conduction coefficient 3.2.7

heat consumption on ventilation during heating period 3.2.43

heat cost allocator 3.6.61

heat exchanger 3.6.1

heat flow rate 3.2.6

heat gain from appliance and equipment 5.2.13

heat gain from lighting 5.2.14

heat gain from occupant 5.2.12

heat insulating window 4.3.13

heat lag 3.2.20

heat loss 3.2.23

heat loss by infiltration 3.2.33

heat measuring device 3.6.60

heat meter 8.3.18

heat metering 3.1.49

heat pipe 5.6.52

heat pipe recovery equipment 5.6.63

heat pump 7.1.6

heat pump air conditioner 5.6.4

heat release 4.2.12

heat source well 7.5.22

heat storage 5.2.15

heat storage capacity 5.2.16

heat stress index 2.2.12

heat supply 3.1.41

heat supply network 3.1.43

heat supply station 3.1.40

heat transfer 3.2.3

heat transfer efficiency of heating network 3.4.7

heating 2.1.27

heating 5.4.10

heating coil 5.6.50

heating coil section 5.6.13

heating degree days 2.3.36

heating load 3.2.35

heating load between neighborhood 3.2.49

heating load diagram 3.2.46

heating load duration graph 3.2.48

heating load index for load estimation 3.2.37

heating load index per unit floor area 3.2.38

heating medium 3.1.29

heating medium parameter 3.1.34

heating network 3.4.1

heating period for calculation 2.3.34

heating pipeline 3.4.8

heating pipeline 3.4.13

heating seasonal performance factor 7.1.14

heating system 3.3.1

heating system within apartment and house 3.3.21

hierarchical control 8.2.13

high efficiency filter 6.3.7

high efficiency particulate air filter 6.3.9

high efficiency particulate air filter unit 6.3.34

high temperature water heating 3.1.10

high-frequency noise 9.2.5

high-pressure steam heating 3.1.12

horizontal combustion smoke-tube boiler 7.4.16

horizontal thermal misadjustment of consumer heating system 3.5.45

horizontal unidirectional airflow 6.2.10

horizontal water-film cyclone 4.7.18

horizontal smoke-water-tube boiler 7.4.17

hot water boiler 7.4.4

hot water heating 3.1.8

hot water heating system 3.3.2

hot water pipe 3.4.14

hot water pump 7.3.58

hot workshop 4.2.19

hot-water circulating pump 7.4.32

hot-water heating load 3.2.36

hourly average concentration 2.4.9

hourly cooling load 5.2.26

hourly sol-air temperature 5.2.5

hourly variation graph of hot-water consumption in one day 3.2.47

humidification 5.4.12

humidifier 5.6.33

humidifier section 5.6.15

humidistat 8.3.21

humidity ratio 2.1.10

humidity transducer 8.3.5

hybrid ventilation 4.1.34

hydraulic balance 3.5.35

hydraulic balance level 3.5.36

hydraulic calculation 3.5.1

hydraulic disorder 3.5.33

hydraulic dust removal 4.4.4

hydraulic resistance balance 3.5.19

hydraulic stability 3.5.32

hydraulicity 4.4.28

hydrophilic dust 4.4.10

hydrophobic dust 4.4.11


ice cool storage 7.3.43

ideal flow characteristic of control valve 8.3.50

impact dust collector 4.7.20

impedance muffler 9.2.18

impinger 2.4.20

index circuit 3.5.3

index of thermal inertia(value D) 3.2.18

indirect closed-loop groundwater system 7.5.15

indirect connection 3.3.24

indirect evaporative cooling 5.4.44

indirect evaporative water chiller 7.3.32

indirect steam humidifiers 5.6.41

indoor air design conditions 2.2.3

indoor air quality 2.4.2

indoor air quality parameter 2.4.3

indoor environment 2.4.1

indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity 2.2.4

indoor temperature(humidity) 2.2.1

induced VAV terminal 5.6.32

induction air conditioning system 5.3.12

induction unit 5.6.21

inductive ventilation 4.1.13

industrial air conditioning 5.1.2

inertial dust separator 4.7.10

infrared humidifier 5.6.37

infrared radiant heater 3.6.31

infrared ray prober 8.3.19

infrared thermometer 8.3.14

inhaleble particles 2.1.25

inherent regulation of controlled plant 8.1.13

initial concentration 4.4.36

initial resistance of filter 4.4.40

injection well 7.5.21

input signal 8.1.32

insulating layer 9.4.4

insulation jacket 9.4.8

integral element 8.3.25

integral enclosure 4.3.20

integral time 8.1.29

integrated part load value 7.1.16

interconnecting pipe in heating network 3.4.12

interference 8.1.24

interior zone 5.1.12

interlock protection 8.2.31

intermittent heating 3.1.6

internal exposure index 2.4.13

inverted bucket type steam trap 3.6.51

irradiance 2.1.23

isoenthalpy 5.4.9

isohume 5.4.8

isokinetic sampling 2.4.21

isolater 6.3.40

isotherm 5.4.7

isothermal humidification 5.4.18

isothermal jet 5.5.6


jet 5.5.2

jet axial velocity 5.5.12

jet divergence angle 5.5.11

jet in a confined space 5.5.5


kang heating 3.1.27


lag of controlled plant 8.1.11

latent cooling load 5.2.22

1atent heat 5.2.2

lateral hood 4.3.24

leakage test 6.2.17

length of pipe section 3.5.7

light fixture diffuser 4.6.48

limit deflection 9.3.17

limit switch 8.3.53

limiting velocity 3.5.21

linear flow characteristic 8.3.44

liquid cycle energy recovery equipment 5.6.61

liquid desiccant device 5.6.43

liquid level sensor 8.3.9

liquid receiver 7.3.10

lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 7.3.17

load pattern 5.2.30

local air conditioning 5.1.3

local air supply 4.1.10

local air supply system 4.3.4

local clean equipment 6.3.28

local exhaust system 4.3.5

local exhaust ventilation 4.1.11

local instrument 8.3.67

local resistance 3.5.15

local solar time 2.3.41

local ventilation 4.1.9

localized control 8.2.6

lock and adjust valve 3.6.58

long-range control 8.2.8

loop 3.5.2

louver 4.3.12

low temperature water heating 3.1.9

lower mixed zone 5.5.38

low-frequency noise 9.2.3

low-pressure steam heating 3.1.13


main pipe 3.4.19

makeup air 4.1.35

make-up water pump 3.6.11

make-up water rate 3.3.26

manipulated variable 8.1.44

manual control 8.2.9

mass concentration 4.1.25

mass flowmeter 8.3.16

mat-type air filter 6.3.11

maximum allowable concentration 4.1.28

maximum coefficient of heat transfer 3.2.14

maximum depth of frozen ground 2.3.20

maximum sum of hourly cooling load 5.2.27

mean annual temperature(humidity) 2.3.5

mean daily temperature(humidity) 2.3.3

mean monthly maximum temperature 2.3.6

mean monthly minimum temperature 2.3.7

mean monthly temperature(humidity) 2.3.4

mean outdoor temperature during heating period 2.3.35

mean radiant temperature 2.2.17

mean relative humidity 2.3.13

mean wind speed 2.3.15

mean wind speed of dominant wind direction at winter 2.3.50

measurement accuracy 8.1.49

mechanical air supply system 4.3.2

mechanical and hydraulic combined dust removal 4.4.5

mechanical dust removal 4.4.3

mechanical exhaust system 4.3.3

mechanical ventilating system 4.3.1

mechanical ventilation 4.1.2

medium efficiency filter 6.3.6

membrane filter 6.3.20

metal radiant panel 3.6.28

metal radiant panel heating 3.1.23

microparticle 6.2.25

micropunch plate muffler 9.2.19

midfeed system 3.3.20

mid-frequency noise 9.2.4

mini pleat folded media-type filter 6.3.15

minimum outdoor air requirement 5.4.29

minimum resistance of heat transfer 3.2.15

mist 4.4.18

mixed air distribution 5.5.34

mixing box section 5.6.12

mixing pump 3.6.57

mixture of steam and water 3.1.33

modular air handling unit 5.6.7

moist air 5.4.3

moisture excess 4.1.22

moisture gain 5.2.17

moisture gain from appliance and equipment 5.2.19

moisture gain from occupant 5.2.18

moisture resistance factor 9.4.7

moisture separation coefficient 5.4.40

monitor 8.1.42

monitoring 8.1.41

monotonous hydraulic misadjustment 3.5.37

monotonous thermal misadjustment 3.5.46

motorized and pneumatic 2-way valve 8.3.39

motorized and pneumatic 3-way valve 8.3.40

motorized valve 8.3.36

movable hood 4.3.29

movable support 3.4.44

moving averages 2.1.21

muffler 9.2.15

muffler section 5.6.19

multi split air conditioning(heat pump)system(unit) 5.3.23

multicyclone 4.7.12

multi-operating mode automatic conversion 8.1.53

multi-operating mode control system 8.2.33

multiple circuit 3.4.6

multiple zone air conditioning unit 5.6.8

multi-position control 8.2.12

multistage pump water system 5.3.33


natural attenuation quantity of noise 9.2.11

natural frequency 9.3.5

natural ventilation 4.1.1

negative feeDBack 8.1.8

negative pressure boiler 7.4.8

neutral pressure level 4.2.15

new effective temperature 2.2.14

noise 9.1.13

noise control 9.2.1

noise criterion curve 9.1.14

noise rating number 9.1.16

noise reduction coefficient 9.1.19

nominal capacity 7.4.22

nominal condition 7.1.9

nominal heating capacity 7.4.23

non-common section 3.5.5

non-condensable gas 7.2.15

non-equally proportional hydraulic misadjustment 3.5.39

non-equally proportional thermal misadjustment 3.5.48

non-isothermal jet 5.5.7

nonmetallic duct 4.6.36

nonmonotonous hydraulic misadjustment 3.5.40

nonmonotonous thermal misadjustment 3.5.49

nonreturn damper 4.6.13

non-unidirectional airflow 6.2.11

non-working time heating 3.1.7

normal coldest 3-month period 2.1.17

normal coldest month 2.1.15

normal hottest 3-month period 2.1.18

normal hottest month 2.1.16

normal state 2.3.52

normal value 2.1.12

nozzle 4.6.50

nozzle outlet air supply 5.5.20


occupied zone 5.1.10

octave band 9.1.10

oil cooler 7.3.12

oil pump 7.4.28

oil separator 7.3.7

oil tank 7.4.26

oil-fired boiler 7.4.11

one-and-two pipe combined heating system 3.3.17

one-pipe circuit cross-over heating system 3.3.15

one-pipe heating system 3.3.11

one-pipe loop circuit heating system 3.3.13

one-pipe series-loop heating system 3.3.14

one-third octave band 9.1.11

open loop control 8.2.17

open return of steam trap 3.1.45

open tank 3.6.9

open-loop surface water system 7.5.17

operating pressure 3.5.26

operating range 3.5.24

operational 6.2.16

operative temperature 2.2.18

opposed multiblade damper 4.6.10

optimal control 8.2.22

organized air supply 4.1.5

organized exhaust 4.1.6

oscillation period 8.1.22

outdoor air design conditions 2.3.21

outdoor air handling unit 5.6.6

outdoor air rate 2.4.10

outdoor critical air temperature for heating 2.3.33

outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning 2.3.29

outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning 2.3.32

outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning 2.3.31

outdoor design relative humidity for summer ventilation 2.3.28

outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning 2.3.25

outdoor design temperature for calculated envelope in winter 2.3.26

outdoor design temperature for heating 2.3.22

outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation 2.3.27

outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning 2.3.24

outdoor design temperature for winter ventilation 2.3.23

outdoor design wet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning 2.3.30

outdoor temperature(humidity) 2.3.1

outlet air velocity 5.5.24

output signal 8.1.33

outside air cleaner 6.3.44

overflow pipe 3.4.30

overshoot 8.1.20

ozone depletion potential 7.2.5


packaged air conditioner 5.6.2

packed tower 4.7.23

parabolic flow characteristic 8.3.46

parallel fan powered VAV terminal 5.6.30

parallel multiblade damper 4.6.11

parameter detection 8.1.47

parameters for calculation 2.1.1

partial cool storage 7.3.41

partial enclosure 4.3.19

partial heat storage 7.3.51

partial pressure of water vapor 2.3.12

particle number concentration 4.1.27

particle size 4.4.20

particle size number concentration 4.4.52

particulate 4.4.19

particulate matter 2.1.26

pass window 6.3.48

passageway type air shower 6.3.46

penetration rate 4.4.44

percentage of men,women and children 5.2.31

percentage of outdoor air 5.4.31

percentage of return air 5.4.30

percentage of sunshine 2.3.19

perforated ceiling air supply 5.5.19

perforated ceiling diffuser 4.6.40

perforated plate tower 4.7.22

perimeter zone 5.1.13

periodic dust dislodging 4.4.48

permissible leakage rate for air system 4.1.32

photovoltaic 7.5.24

pipe anticorrosion protection 9.4.10

pipe fittings 3.4.31

pipe radiator 3.6.21

pipe section 3.5.6

plate heat exchanger 5.6.46

plate heat recovery equipment 5.6.62

plenum chamber 5.6.56

plenum space 5.5.26

plume rise height 4.5.23

pneumatic conveying 4.4.34

pneumatic valve 8.3.37

pneumo-electrical convertor 8.3.30

position regulation 8.2.26

positioner 8.3.34

positive feeDBack 8.1.7

power consumption per air volume 5.2.32

power roof ventilator 4.7.5

predicted mean vote 2.2.8

predicted percentage of dissatisfied 2.2.9

preferred noise criteria curve 9.1.15

pressure boiler 7.4.9

pressure box muffler 9.2.21

pressure difference switch 8.3.61

pressure drop 3.5.20

pressure enthalpy chart 7.2.9

pressure of steam supply 3.1.38

pressure relief device 4.6.18

pressure switch 8.3.60

pressure transducer 8.3.6

pressure volume chart 7.2.11

primary air fan-coil system 5.3.11

primary air system 5.3.9

primary circuit 3.4.4

primary return air 5.4.32

primary return air conditioning system 5.4.34

primary water pumping distribution system 5.3.34

primary water system 5.3.31

production well 7.5.20

program control 8.2.10

programmable logic controller 8.3.56

programmed eontrol in time 8.2.23

proportional band 8.1.28

proportional control 8.2.28

proportional element 8.3.24

proportional plus integral element 8.3.26

proportional-integral control 8.2.29

proportional-integral-derivative control 8.2.30

psychrometric chart 5.4.4

pulverization 4.4.30

purification efficiency 4.5.27

push-pull hood 4.3.26


quick open flow characteristic 8.3.43


radiant air conditioning system 5.3.24

radiant cooling terminal 5.6.25

radiant heating 3.1.19

radiant intensity 2.1.22

radiator 3.6.17

radiator heating 3.1.16

radiator heating system 3.3.6

radon concentration 2.4.11

radon exhalation rate from soil surface 2.4.12

reactive muffler 9.2.17

receiving hood 4.3.17

reducing coupling 3.4.35

reducing valve 3.6.39

reentrainment of dust 4.4.31

refrigerant 7.2.1

refrigerating capacity 7.1.10

refrigerating compressor 7.3.2

refrigerating machine 7.1.5

refrigeration 7.1.1

refrigeration cycle 7.2.17

regenerative noise 9.2.7

register 4.6.45

regulator 8.3.23

relative humidity 2.1.9

relay 8.3.54

remote control 8.2.7

renewable energy resource 2.1.32

renewable filter media 4.4.51

resistance of heat transfer 3.2.13

resistance to water vapor permeation 3.2.22

resistive muffler 9.2.16

resonance 9.3.2

resonant frequency 9.3.7

response curve of controlled plant 8.1.9

return air 5.5.27

return air inlet 5.5.30

return flow zone 5.5.9

return water temperature 3.1.36

reversed return system 3.3.9

ring-shaped heating network 3.4.3

riser 3.4.21

roll-type air filter 6.3.17

room absorption 9.2.12

room for cleaning human body 6.2.3

room for cleaning material 6.2.4

rotary outlet 4.6.23

rotary dehumidifier 5.6.42

rotary heat exchanger 5.6.60

rotary outlet 4.6.43

rough filter 6.3.5

roughness factor 3.5.14

rubber shock absorber 9.3.13


safety cabinet 6.3.33

safety damper 6.3.49

safety valve 7.4.21

sampling period 8.1.51

sampling port 4.6.29

saturated steam 3.1.30

saturation humidity ratio 5.4.6

screw nipple 3.4.42

screwed plug 3.4.39

seam 4.6.34

seasonal energy efficiency ratio 7.1.13

secondary circuit 3.4.5

secondary refrigerant 7.2.16

secondary return air 5.4.33

secondary return air conditioning system 5.4.35

secondary water pumping distribution system 5.3.35

secondary water system 5.3.32

selective control system 8.2.34

selector 8.3.28

self learning system 8.2.38

self-operated valve 8.3.38

sensible cooling 5.4.15

sensible cooling load 5.2.23

sensible heat 5.2.1

sensible heating 5.4.14

sensing element 8.3.1

sensor 8.3.3

sequential control 8.2.21

series fan powered VAV terminal 5.6.29

serpentine coil ice storage device 7.3.45

set point 8.1.18

settlement bacteria 6.2.20

settling chamber 4.7.8

sewage-source heat pump 7.5.12

shading coefficient 5.2.9

side-stream treatment 7.4.30

sidewall air supply 5.5.17

signal 8.1.31

single duct air conditioning system 5.3.6

single duct VAV terminal 5.6.28

smgle-effect 7.3.18

single-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating ma-chine 7.3.21

sky radiation 2.3.45

slide damper 4.6.12

slot exhaust hood 4.3.25

slot outlet 4.6.46

sludge handling 4.4.7

smog 6.2.21

smoke 4.4.14

smoke control 4.1.29

smoke exhaust damper 4.6.16

smoke extraction 4.1.30

smoke plume 4.5.22

smokeproof damper 4.6.15

soft water tank 7.4.31

sol-air temperature 5.2.4

solar altitude 2.3.39

solar azimuth 2.3.40

solar collector 7.5.1

solar constant 2.3.38

solar declination 2.3.42

solar energy contribution rate 7.5.8

solar heat gain coefficient 5.2.10

solar heating 3.1.28

solar hot water system 7.5.25

solar irradiance 2.3.47

solar load rate 7.5.7

solar radiant heat gain 5.2.7

solar radiation 2.3.43

solar thermal energy 7.5.23

solenoid valve 8.3.41

solid sorption equipment 5.6.44

soot 6.2.22

sound absorption 9.2.10

sound absorption coefficient 9.2.23

sound absorption material 9.2.22

sound attenuation 9.2.13

sound deadening capacity 9.2.14

sound insulation 9.2.9

sound intensity level 9.1.6

sound level 9.1.3

sound power level 9.1.7

sound pressure level 9.1.2

sound source 9.1.1

source of heat release 4.2.11

space cooling load 5.2.21

space heat gain 5.2.11

space heating 3.1.3

space moisture load 5.2.20

space temperature variation 2.2.6

space-heating load index per unit building volume 3.2.39

specific enthalpy 5.4.5

specific frictional resistance 3.5.11

specific heat load 4.2.13

specific resistance 4.4.26

spinning disk humidifier 5.6.38

split air conditioner 5.6.3

split ranging control 8.2.11

spot heating 3.1.4

spray chamber 5.6.16

spray cooling tower 7.3.55

spray fan 4.7.6

spray nozzle 5.6.54

spray nozzle density 5.4.27

spring shock absorber 9.3.12

stability 8.1.19

stack effect pressure 4.2.2

standard effective temperature 2.2.15

static deflection 9.3.16

static deviation 8.1.16

static pressure 3.5.27

steady-state heat transfer 3.2.4

steam boiler 7.4.5

steam header 3.6.34

steam heating 3.1.11

steam heating system 3.3.3

steam jet-type water chiller 7.3.30

steam pipe 3.4.15

steam superheater 7.4.18

steam trap 3.6.49

steam/water ejector 3.6.6

steam-jet hot water heating system 3.3.5

steam-jet-type refrigerating machine 7.3.24

steam-to-water type heat exchanger 3.6.3

steam-water mixed heat exchanger 3.6.5

steel radiator 3.6.20

step response 8.1.23

sterile lock 6.3.41

stop valve 3.6.42

stove heating 3.1.26

strainer 3.6.33

stratified air conditioning 5.1.4

stratified zone 5.5.39

strip radiant panel 3.6.30

subcooling 7.2.27

sub-HEPA filter 6.3.8

suction pressure 7.2.32

suction temperature 7.2.33

suction velocity at return air inlet 5.5.31

superheat 7.2.34

superheated steam 3.1.31

supervision 8.1.43

supply air 5.5.15

supply air rate 4.1.16

supply air temperature difference 5.5.25

supply fan 4.3.8

supply water temperature 3.1.35

supply-exhaust diffuser 4.6.49

support and hanger of duct 4.6.30

surface coefficient of heat transfer 3.2.10

surface resistance of heat transfer 3.2.11

surface water system 7.5.16

surface-type heat exchanger 3.6.4

suspended matter 6.2.26

suspended velocity 4.4.33

swinging damper 4.6.51

swirl diffuser 4.6.21

system resistance 3.5.23


tangential fan 4.7.4

task air-conditioning 5.1.5

tee 3.4.37

temperature and humidity independent processed air conditioning system 5.3.27

temperature at work place 2.2.2

temperature control zone 5.1.11

temperature difference between supply and return water 3.1.37

temperature difference correction factor of envelope 3.2.26

temperature exchange effectiveness 5.4.37

temperature field 5.5.13

temperature gradient 3.2.27

temperature inversion 4.5.19

temperature of exhaust air 4.1.20

temperature switch 8.3.59

temperature transducer 8.3.4

test dust 4.4.49

test pressure 3.5.30

thermal bridge 2.1.24

thermal comfort 2.2.7

thermal decay 5.5.37

thermal diffusivity 3.2.8

thermal flowmeter 8.3.17

thermal insulation 2.2.19

thermal insulation 9.1.21

thermal insulation 9.4.2

thermal insulation material 9.4.3

thermal inversion layer 4.5.20

thermal misadjustment of consumer heating system 3.5.42

thermal misadjustment of heating network 3.5.41

thermal resistance 3.2.9

thermal stratification 5.5.36

thermodynamic coefficient 7.1.17

thermodynamic perfectness 7.1.18

thermodynamic steam trap 3.6.53

thermostat 8.3.20

thermostatic expansion valve 7.3.5

thermostatic steam trap 3.6.54

thermostatic valve 3.6.59

three-pipe water system 5.3.20

throttling expansion 7.2.29

through-draught 4.2.1

throw 5.5.10

tilt angle of collector 7.5.6

time constant of controlled plant 8.1.10

total freeze-up ice storage system 7.3.44

total heat 5.2.3

total pressure 3.5.29

total separation efficiency 4.4.37

total suspended particle 6.2.27

total volatile organic compound 2.4.6

transfer function 8.1.45

transfer main 3.4.10

transient 8.1.14

transmissibility 9.3.8

transmission 6.1.2

transmission and distribution pipeline 3.4.11

transmitter 8.3.22

tree-shaped heating network 3.4.2

triple-effect 7.3.20

trunk pipe 3.4.20

tubular fan 4.7.26

tunnel cleanroom 6.3.25

turning vane 4.6.8

two banks opposing spray pattern 5.4.26

two-pipe heating system 3.3.16

two-pipe water system 5.3.19

typical meteorological year 2.3.49


ultra low penetration air filter 6.3.10

ultrafine particle 6.2.24

ultrasonic humidifier 5.6.39

unconditioned zone 5.1.7

underfloor air distribution 5.5.21

underfloor air distribution unit 5.6.24

unidirectional airflow 6.2.8

unidirectional flow ceiling module 6.3.35

unidirectional flow wall module 6.3.37

union 3.4.34

unit heater 3.6.22

unit heater with axial fan 3.6.23

unit heater with centrifugal fan 3.6.24

unit radiant panel 3.6.29

unorganized air supply 4.1.7

unorganized exhaust 4.1.8

unsteady-state heat transfer 3.2.5

upfeed system 3.3.19

upper mixed zone 5.5.40

upright bucket type steam trap 3.6.50

upstream spray pattern 5.4.25

U-shape coil ice storage device 7.3.47


vacuum boiler 7.4.7

vacuum cleaner 6.3.50

vacuum cleaning installation 4.7.25

vacuum heating 3.1.14

vacuum heating system 3.3.4

vacuum pump 3.6.16

valve authority 8.3.52

valve’s maximum closing pressure difference 8.3.49

vapor barrier 9.4.9

vapor ejection heating cycle 7.2.20

vapour compression refrigeration 7.1.2

variable air volume air conditioning system 5.3.4

variable air volume terminal device 5.6.27

variable volume water system 5.3.37

variable-flow water chiller 7.3.34

variable-speed water chiller 7.3.36

velocity field 5.5.14

velocity pressure 3.5.28

vent pipe 3.4.24

ventilated roof 4.2.20

ventilating duct 4.6.1

ventilation 2.1.28

ventilation facilities 4.3.7

ventilation heat loss 3.2.34

ventilation heating load index per unit building volume 3.2.40

ventilation rate 4.1.14

Venturi scrubber 4.7.21

vertical one-pipe heating system 3.3.12

vertical thermal misadjustment of consumer heating system 3.5.44

vertical unidirectional airflow 6.2.9

vertical zoning of water system 5.3.22

vibration 9.3.1

vibration isolation 9.3.9

vibration isolation efficiency 9.3.11

vibration isolator 9.3.10

viscous type air filter 6.3.4

VOC sensor 8.3.10

volatile organic compound 2.4.5

volume density 4.4.25

volumetric concentration 4.1.26


wall attachment jet 5.5.3

wall radiant heating 3.1.22

warm air curtain 3.6.27

warm-air heating 3.1.17

warm-air heating system 3.3.7

water as refrigerant 7.2.8

water based coating material 2.4.15

water chiller 7.3.27

water cool(heat)storage 7.3.48

water flow regulating valve 3.6.41

water flow switch 8.3.63

water hammer 3.5.31

water level switch 8.3.64

water system 5.3.18

water vapour barrier 9.4.6

water-air ratio 5.4.23

water-film cyclone 4.7.17

water-loop heat pump air conditioning system 5.3.26

water-source heat pump 7.5.10

water-to-water type heat exchanger 3.6.2

water-water jet 3.6.32

wet and dry bulb thermometer 8.3.15

wet condensate return pipe 3.4.18

wet cooling condition 5.4.21

wet dust collection 4.4.6

wet dust collector 4.7.16

wet membrane humidifier 5.6.40

wet method operation 6.2.28

wet type air filter 6.3.3

wet-bulb temperature 2.1.4

wet-bulb-globe temperature index 2.2.16

wettability 4.4.27

wind direction 2.3.16

wind pressure 4.2.3

wind speed 2.3.14

window air conditioner 5.6.5

wind-proofed monitor 4.2.16

working flow characteristic of control valve 8.3.51

working pair of absorption refrigeration 7.2.7


zeotropic refrigerant 7.2.3

zirconia oxygen analyzer 8.3.13

zone of aerodynamic shadow 4.2.8

zone of negative pressure 4.2.10

zone of positive pressure 4.2.7

zone of wake 4.2.9



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