●Guide to Assessment of concrete strength in existing structures
Guide pour l'évaluation de la resistance du beton dans les constructions existantes
Leitfaden fur die Beurteilung der Betonfestigkeit in vorhandenen Bauwerken
British Standards Institution
Copyright by the British Standards Institution
Mon Jul2414:34:472000
Inside front cover
Cooperating organizations
Back cover
The need to assess the strength of the concrete in an selection of the method and testing programme most existing structure can arise from a variety of reasons, appropriate to the circumstances that prevail. Such as doubts following non-compliance of standard the interpretation of the test results and the factors that cube strength results or possible deterioration due to influence the relationship between the standard cube aggressive environments or a wish to check that the strength and the strength of the concrete in the structure strength is acceptable for a particular loading system, are also discussed.
The recommendations in this standard are intended to the drilling and testing of cores has been common provide guidance only; they are not intended to supplant practice for many years and several non-destructive engineering judgment or to inhibit the development and tests have been available, well established test methods use of other test methods. being described in BS 1881 and BS 4408.
Numbers in parentheses in the text of the standard refer This guide presents information on the standard method to the numbered references given in appendix A.
Copyright by the British Standards Institution
Mon Jul2414:34:562000
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