



Standard for basic terms of information technology applications in construction field

JGJ/T 313-2013






现批准《建设领域信息技术应用基本术语标准》为行业标准,编号为JGJ/T 313-2013,自2014年3月1日起实施。
















本标准主要起草人员:王丹 倪江波 王毅 王静 雷丽英 王磐岩 李锦业 赵明泽 马智亮 高萍 方天培 李梅丹 毛尚之 徐海云 危双丰 李化

本标准主要审查人员:杨富春 蒋景瞳 金新阳 方裕 陈燕申 陈向东 刘斌梅 于伟 李洪鹏 张春晖


1  总则

1.0.1  为适应建设领域信息技术的发展需要,规范建设领域信息技术应用基本术语,便于国内外交流与合作,制定本标准。

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1.0.2  本标准适用于城乡建设与管理、工程建设与管理、住房保障与房地产管理等领域的信息技术应用及相关工作。

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1.0.3  建设领域信息技术应用基本术语,除应符合本标准外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。

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2  一般术语

2.0.1  建设领域信息技术应用 information technology applications in construction field


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2.0.2  城市信息化 city informatization


2.0.3  城乡规划信息化 urban-rural planning informatization


2.0.4  城乡建设信息化  urban-rural construction informatization


2.0.5  城市管理信息化 city management informatization


2.0.6  城市服务信息化 city service informatization


2.0.7  工程建设信息化  engineering construction informatization


2.0.8  住房保障信息化  housing security informatization


2.0.9  房地产信息化 real estate industry informatization


2.0.10  建设企业信息化 construction enterprise informatization


2.0.11  城市信息系统 city information system


2.0.12  城市信息平台 city information platform


2.0.13  城市地理空间信息 city geospatial information


2.0.14  城市地理空间框架数据  city geospatial framework data


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2.0.15  城市三维模型 3D city model


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2.0.16  数字城市 digital city


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2.0.17  智慧城市 smart city


2.0.18  城市信息基础设施  city information infrastructure


2.0.19  城域网  metropolitan area network (MAN)


2.0.20  无线城市 wireless city


2.0.21  信息技术 information technology (IT)

   利用计算机和通信手段获取、存储、管理和传输信息的技术,也称信息和通信技术(information and communication technology,ICT)。

2.0.22  信息化 informatization


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2.0.23  信息资源开发利用  development and utilization of information resource


2.0.24  信息共享 information sharing


2.0.25  计算机辅助设计 computer-aided design (CAD)


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2.0.26  建筑信息模型  building information modeling (BIM)


2.0.27  建筑全生命期管理 building lifecycle management (BLM)


2.0.28  地理信息系统  geographic information system (GIS)


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2.0.29  城市地理信息系统  city geographic information system


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2.0.30  工程建设地理信息系统  geographic information system for engineering construction


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2.0.31  全球导航卫星系统 global navigation satellite system (GNSS)

   利用卫星在全球范围内进行导航、定位、授时的系统的总称。目前主要的全球导航卫星系统有:美国的全球定位系统(Global Position System,GPS),俄罗斯的全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GLONASS),欧盟的伽利略定位系统(Galileo Positioning System),中国的北斗导航卫星系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System)。

2.0.32  遥感 remote sensing


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2.0.33  物联网 the internet of things (IOT)


2.0.34  云计算 cloud computing


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2.0.35  电子政务 electronic government


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2.0.36  电子商务 electronic commerce (EC)


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2.0.37  电子印章 electronic seal


2.0.38  信息技术应用标准体系 standard architecture for information technology applications



3.1 城乡规划

3  城乡建设与管理

3.1  城乡规划

3.1.1  城乡规划基础数据 urban-rural planning fundamental data


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3.1.2  城市规划管理信息系统 urban planning management information system(UPMIS)


3.1.3  村镇规划管理信息系统 management information system for village-township planning


3.1.4  城乡规划动态监测系统 monitoring system for urban-rural planning


3.1.5  城乡规划现状调查信息系统 information system for urban-rural planning status quo survey


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3.1.6  城乡规划编制成果管理信息系统 management information system for urban-rural planning establishing results


3.1.7  城乡规划辅助决策支持系统 decision support system for urban-rural planning


3.2 市政设施建设与公用事业管理

3.2  市政设施建设与公用事业管理

3.2.1  数字市政 digital municipality


3.2.2  智能交通系统 intelligent transportation system (ITS)


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3.2.3  停车诱导系统 information system for parking guidance


3.2.4  公共交通管理系统 management system for public traffic


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3.2.5  公共交通调度系统 public traffic dispatching system


3.2.6  公共交通IC卡系统 public traffic IC card system


3.2.7  城市道路桥梁管理信息系统 management information system for urban road and bridge


3.2.8  城市轨道交通综合监控系统 monitoring system for urban rail transit


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3.2.9  城市轨道交通通信系统  telecommunication system for urban rail transit


3.2.10  城市轨道交通信号系统  signal system for urban rail transit


3.2.11  城市轨道交通火灾自动报警系统 automatic fire alarm system for urban rail transit


3.2.12  城市轨道交通环境与设备监控系统 environment and equipment monltoring system for urban rail transit


3.2.13  城市轨道交通自动售检票系统 automatic ticketing and checking system for urban rail transit


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3.2.14  城市公用事业自动化系统 automatic system for urban utilities


3.2.15  城市地下管线管理信息系统 management information system for urban underground pipeline


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3.2.16  城市供水管理信息系统 management information system for urban water supply


3.2.17  城市供水水质监测管理信息系统 management information system for water quality monitoring of urban water supply


3.2.18  城市排水管理信息系统 management information system for urban draining


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3.2.19  城市供热管理信息系统 management information system for urban heating


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3.2.20  城市燃气管理信息系统 management information system for urban gas


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3.2.21  城市燃气监测监控管理信息系统 monitoring and supervision information system for urban gas


3.3 市容环境卫生

3.3  市容环境卫生

3.3.1  数字市容环境卫生 digital urban appearance and environmental sanitation


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3.3.2  环境卫生服务管理信息系统 management information system for environmental sanitation service


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3.3.3  环境卫生设施管理信息系统 management information system for environmental sanitation facilities


3.3.4  环境卫生设施建设管理信息系统 management information system for environmental sanitation facilities construction


3.3.5  环境卫生车辆管理信息系统 management information system for environmental sanitation vehicles


3.3.6  建筑垃圾管理信息系统 management information system for construction and demolition waste


3.3.7  餐厨垃圾管理信息系统 management information system for the restaurant food waste


3.3.8  生活垃圾处理管理信息系统 management information system for municipal solid waste


3.3.9  生活垃圾焚烧监管信息系统 supervision and management information system for municipal solid waste incineration facility


3.3.10  生活垃圾填埋场监管信息系统 supervision and management information system for municipal solid waste landfill


3.3.11  公共厕所管理信息系统 management information system for public toilet


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3.3.12  道路保洁监管信息系统 supervision and management information system for public road cleaning


3.3.13  照明监控系统 lighting monitoring system


3.3.14  户外广告设施设置管理信息系统 management information system for outdoor advertisement facilities


3.3.15  污水处理管理信息系统  management information system for sewage treatment


3.3.16  污水排放管网管理信息系统 management information system for sewage discharge pipeline


230'>《建设领域信息技术应用基本术语标准[附条文说明]》JGJ/T 313-2013


附录B 英文索引

3D animation 6.1.37

3D geological model 4.1.2

3D laser scanning survey 4.1.7

3D modeling 4.2.5

3D renderings 6.1.36


access control 6.2.4

anti-virus system 6.2.8

artificial neural networks 6.1.23

authentication technology 6.2.9

automatic control networks for building equipment 4.7.9

automatic fire alarm system for urban rail transit 3.2.11

automatic system for urban utilities 3.2.14

automatic ticketing and checking

system for urban rail transit 3.2.13


backup for disaster recovery 6.2.11

basic data of construction enterprise management 4.6.2

basic data of housing provident fund 5.2.2

basic management grid 3.7.3

browser/server 6.1.14

building automation and control system 4.7.4

building dynamic deformation monitoring 4.1.11

building equipment management system 4.7.7

building equipment monitoring system 4.7.8

building information modeling 2.0.26

building lifecycle management 2.0.27

building products information system 4.6.4

business intelligence 6.1.24


certification authority 6.5.7

certification database for construction enterprise 4.5.2

China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 6.3.18

city geographic information system 2.0.29

city geospatial framework data 2.0.14

city geospatial information 2.0.13

city information infrastructure 2.0.18

city information platform 2.0.12

city information system 2.0.11

city informatization 2.0.2

city management and command center 3.7.7

city management and supervision center 3.7.6

city management informatization 2.0.5

city service informatization 2.0.6

clash detection 4.2.4

classification and coding of construction

enterprise basic information 4.6.1

classified protection of information security 6.2.15

client/server 6.1.13

cloud computing 2.0.34

collaborative design 4.2.1

collaborative management system for engineering

project 4.3.3

communication network system 4.7.12

community services and management system 5.3.2

computer aided construction 4.3.12

computer supported collaborative work 6.1.9

computer-aided design 2.0.25

computerized tomography techniques 4.1.4

construction electronic archives 3.6.5

construction electronic files 3.6.4

construction enterprise collaborative work 4.6.6

construction enterprise informatization 2.0.10

construction site monitoring 4.3.9

construction supply chain management 4.6.8

continuously operating reference station system 6.3.14

convergence of the three networks 6.1.30

customer relationship management 4.6.12


data element 6.1.3

data mining 6.1.5

data of firms in real estate industry 5.1.7

data of real estate industry business 5.1.8

data warehouse 6.1.6

decision support system 6.1.22

decision support system for urban disaster

prevention and response 3.5.3

decision support system for urban-rural planning 3.1.7

deformation monitoring system 4.1.10

design information management system 4.2.3

detecting and surveying of underground pipeline 4.1.9

development and utilization of information resource 2.0.23

differential interferometric synthetic aperture

radar measurement digital city 2.0.16

digital community 5.3.1

digital elevation model 6.3.8

digital fabrication 4.3.4

digital landscaping 3.4.1

digital line graphic 6.3.6

digital municipality 3.2.1

digital orthophoto map 6.3.7

digital photogrammetry 6.3.13

digital raster graphic 6.3.9

digital real estate 5.1.13

digital scenic and historic areas 3.4.5

digital signature 6.2.10

digital surface model 6.3.11

digital terrain model 6.3.10

digital travel service of scenic and historic areas 3.4.8

digital urban appearance and environmental sanitation3.3.1

digitized city management 3.7.1

directory service 6.1.15

directory service system for government information

resource disaster recovery 6.2.12

dynamic project management system 4.3.2

dynamic warning mechanism 4.3.8


e-government application system 6.4.4

e-government communication network 6.4.9

e-government top-level design 6.4.3

electronic authentication 6.5.6

electronic commerce 2.0.36

electronic copy 4.5.5

electronic data interchange 6.5.1

electronic funds transfer 6.5.4

electronic government 2.0.35

electronic map 6.3.24

electronic money 6.5.2

electronic payment 6.5.3

electronic seal 2.0.37

electronic tendering 4.5.6

electronic tendering system 4.5.7

elevator monitoring system 4.7.18

engineering construction informatization 2.0.7

enterprise informatization 4.6.10

enterprise resource planning 4.6.11

enterprise service bus 6.1.17

environment and equipment monitoring system

for urban rail transit 3.2.12

environment simulation 6.1.39

expert syste 6.1.21


facility monitoring system 4.7.5

filing and management system for construction

electronic files 3.6.3

fire alarm system 4.7.15

fourth-generation mobile communication technology 6.1.34

fundamental geospatial information 6.3.2

fundamental geospatial information system 6.3.1


gas alarm and control system 4.7.21

general geographic information of government affair 6.4.2

general survey of housing fundamental information 5.1.3

general survey of underground pipeline 4.1.8

geocoding 6.3.22

geodetic coordinate system 6.3.17

geographic grid 6.3.21

geographic information system 2.0.28

geographic information system for engineering

construction 2.0.30

geographic name database 6.3.12

geospatial information 6.3.3

geospatial information technology 6.3.4

global navigation satellite system 2.0.31


house code 5.1.10

house management information system 5.1.1

housing fundamental data 5.1.4

housing physical data 5.1.5

housing pre-survey 5.1.11

housing property data 5.1.6

housing security informatization 2.0.8

housing survey 5.1.12

hydrogeological interpretation for remote sensing

images 4.1.3


identifier 6.1.2

industry foundation classes 6.1.18

information encryption 6.2.1

information infrastructure 6.1.1

information infrastructure system of intelligent

building 4.7.3

information publishing 6.1.12

information resource of government affair 6.4.1

information security infrastructure 6.2.17

information security management system 6.2.16

information sharing 2.0.24

information system for construction quality and

safety supervision 4.4.2

information system for engineering testing and

supervision 4.4.1

information system for housing security 5.2.1

information system for parking guidance 3.2.3

information system for urban-rural planning status

quo survey 3.1.5

information technology 2.0.21

information technology applications in construction

field informatization 2.0.22

integrated building design 4.2.2

integrated project delivery 4.3.13

integration of property management information 5.3.6

intelligent building 4.7.1

intelligent integration system 4.7.2

intelligent transportation system 3.2.2

interchange system for government information

resource interface 6.1.11

internet protocol version 6 6.1.35

intruder alarm system 4.7.20

intrusion detection system 6.2.6

intrusion prevention system 6.2.7

issuance data of real estate industry 5.1.9


landscape management information system 3.4.2

light detection and ranging 6.3.30

lighting monitoring system 3.3.13

local coordinate system 6.3.19

location hased service 6.3.26

logistics public information platform 6.5.8


managed component 3.7.4

management incident 3.7.5

management information system 6.1.8

management information system for building

construction 4.3.1

management information system for construction

costing 4.6.7

management information system for construction

enterprise 4.6.3

management information system for construction

project 4.6.5

management information system for construction

site remote video monitoring 4.3.10

management information system for construction

transactions 4.5.3

management information system for construction

and demolition waste 3.3.6

management information system for digitized city 3.7.2

management information system for environmental

sanitation facilities 3.3.3

management information system for environmental

sanitation facilities construction 3.3.4

management information system for environmental

sanitation service 3.3.2

management information system for environmental

sanitation vehicles 3.3.5

management information system for landscape

construction 3.4.3

management information system for municipal

solid waste 3.3.8

management information system for outdoor advertisement

facilities 3.3.14

management information system for public toilet 3.3.11

management information system for scenic and historic

areas 3.4.6

management information system for sewage discharge

pipeline 3.3.16

management information system for sewage treatment 3.3.15

management information system for the restaurant food

waste 3.3.7

management information system for urban-rural

construction archives 3.6.2

management information system for urban draining 3.2.18

management information system for urban gas 3.2.20

management information system for urban heating 3.2.19

management information system for urban-rural

planning establishing results 3.1.6

management information system for urban road and

bridge 3.2.7

management information system for urban underground

pipeline 3.2.15

management information system for urban water

supply 3.2.16

management information system for village-township

planning 3.1.3

management information system for water quality

monitoring of urban water supply 3.2.17

management system for building facilities information 4.7.6

management system for crediting of housing provident

fund 5.2.7

management system for engineering survey information 4.1.5

management system for financial accounting of housing

provident fund 5.2.8

management system for gathering and taking out of

housing provident fund 5.2.6

management system for geotechnical investigation

information 4.1.1

management system for integrated business of housing

provident fund 5.2.3

management system for public traffic 3.2.4

map projection 6.3.16

metadata 6.1.4

metropolitan area network 2.0.19

mobile device for supervision data collection 3.7.8

mobile internet 6.1.29

modern property management 5.3.4

monitoring and supervision information system for

urban gas 3.2.21

monitoring system for building environment equipment 4.7.10

monitoring system for building energy consumption 4.7.23

monitoring system for building power distribution and

lighting 4.7.17

monitoring system for building water supply and

drainage 4.7.16

monitoring system for housing provident fund

operation 5.2.5

monitoring system for landscape and forestry 3.4.4

monitoring system for urban-rural planning 3.1.4

monitoring system for urban rail transit 3.2.8


national e-government network 6.4.10

National Vertical Datum 1985 6.3.20

navigable electronic map 6.3.25

network planning 4.3.7


office automation 6.1.7

off-line filing 3.6.7

on-line filing 3.6.6

online submission 4.5.4


parking monitoring and management system 4.7.19

payment gateway 6.5.5

penetration testing 6.2.5

performance evaluation of e-government application

system 6.4.5

person for information collecting and supervising 3.7.9

platform system for collaborative work 6.1.10

point of interest 6.3.23

private key 6.2.2

project supervision information system 4.3.14

property management information system 5.3.5

public key 6.2.3

public platform for geospatial information 6.3.5

public service system for housing provident fund 5.2.4

public traffic dispatching system 3.2.5

public traffic IC card system 3.2.6


radio frequency identification 6.1.28

real estate industry informatization 2.0.9

real estate market information system 5.1.2

real time kinematic relative positioning 6.3.27

remote monitoring system for building energy

consumption 4.7.24

remote monitoring system for urban major

hazard source 3.5.2

remote sensing 2.0.32

remote sensing information 6.3.29

remote sensing interpretation 6.3.32

remote sensing working base-map 6.3.33

residential area and building communication

facilities 4.7.13

residential community intelligentization 5.3.3


safety assessment 6.2.13

security audit 6.2.14

security protection and alarm system 4.7.14

sensing network 6.1.27

service-oriented architecture 6.1.16

simulation technology 6.1.38

signal system for urban rail transit 3.2.10

smart city 2.0.17

spatial reference system 6.3.15

standard architecture for information technology

applications 2.0.38

standard for the exchange of product model data 6.1.20

structural construction simulation 4.3.5

structured cabling system 4.7.11

supervision and management information system for

construction market 4.5.1

supervision and management information system for

municipal solid waste incineration facility 3.3.9

supervision and management information system for

municipal solid waste landfill 3.3.10

supervision and management information system for

public road cleaning 3.3.12

supervision and management information system for

scenic and historic areas 3.4.7

supply chain management 4.6.9


telecommunication system for urban rail transit 3.2.9

the internet of things 2.0.33

third-generation mobile communications technology 6.1.33

topographic survey with electronic tablet 4.1.6

transmission backbone network for e-government 6.4.11


urban draining management information system 3.2.18

urban emergency command system 3.5.5

urban emergency response system 3.5.4

urban planning management information system 3.1.2

urban-rural construction archives informatization 3.6.1

urban-rural construction informatization 2.0.4

urban-rural planning fundamental data 3.1.1

urban-rural planning informatization 2.0.3


video surveillance and control system 4.7.22

virtual construction 4.3.11

virtual design and construction 4.2.6

virtual private network 6.1.26

virtual prototype 6.1.40

virtual reality 6.1.41

virtual reality modeling language 6.1.42


warning system for engineering disaster 4.4.3

warning system for urban geological hazards 3.5.1

web services 6.1.25

WebGIS 6.3.28

wireless city 2.0.20

wireless fidelity 6.1.32

wireless local area networks 6.1.31

wireless network for government affair 6.4.12

work breakdown structure 4.3.6

work flow 6.1.19


附录C 英文缩写词索引

3G(第三代移动通信技术,third-generation mobile communications technology) 6.1.33

4G(第四代移动通信技术,fourth-generation mobile communication technology) 6.1.34

ANN(人工神经网络,artificial neural networks) 6.1.23

B/S(浏览器/服务器模式,browser/server) 6.1.14

BACS(建筑自动化和控制系统,building automation and control system) 4.7.4

BI(商业智能,business intelligence) 6.1.24

BIM(建筑信息模型,building information modeling) 2.0.26

BLM(建筑全生命期管理,building lifecycle management) 2.0.27

C/S(客户/服务器模式,client/server) 6.1.13

CA(认证机构,certification authority) 6.5.7

CAC(计算机辅助施工,computer aided construction) 4.3.12

CAD(计算机辅助设计,computer-aided design) 2.0.25

CGCS2000 (2000国家大地坐标系,China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000) 6.3.18

CNS(通信网络系统,communication network system) 4.7.12

CORS(连续运行基准站系统,continuously operating reference station system) 6.3.14

CRM(客户关系管理,customer relationship management) 4.6.12

CSCW(计算机支持协同工作,computer supported collaborative work) 6.1.9

CT(层析成像技术,computerized tomography techniques) 4.1.4

DEM(数字高程模型,digital elevation model) 6.3.8

DIMS(设计管理信息系统,design information management system) 4.2.3

D-InSAR(合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量,differential interferometric synthetic

aperture radar measurement) 6.3.31

DLG(数字线划图,digital line graphic) 6.3.6

DOM(数字正射影像图,digital orthophoto map) 6.3.7

DRG(数字栅格地图,digital raster graphic) 6.3.9

DSM(数字表面模型,digital surface model) 6.3.11

DSS(决策支持系统,decision support system) 6.1.22

DTM(数字地面模型,digital terrain model) 6.3.10

DW(数据仓库,data warchouse) 6.1.6

EC(电子商务,electronic commerce) 2.0.36

EDI(电子数据交换,electronic data interchange) 6.5.1

EFT(电子资金转账,electronic funds transfer) 6.5.4

ERP(企业资源计划,enterprise resource planning) 4.6.11

ES(专家系统,expert system) 6.1.21

ESB(企业服务总线,enterprise service bus) 6.1.17

FAS(火灾报警系统,fire alarm system) 4.7.15

GIS(地理信息系统,geographic information system) 2.0.28

GNSS(全球导航卫星系统,global navigation satellite system) 2.0.31

IAS(入侵报警系统,intruder alarm system) 4.7.20

IB(智能建筑,intelligent building) 4.7.1

ID(标识符,identifier) 6.1.2

IDS(入侵检测系统,intrusion detection system) 6.2.6

IFC(工业基础类,industry foundation classes) 6.1.18

IIS(智能化集成系统,intelligent integration system) 4.7.2

IOT(物联网,the internet of things) 2.0.33

IPD(集成项目交付,integrated project delivery) 4.3.13

IAS(入侵报警系统,intruder alarm system) 4.7.20

IPS(入侵防御系统,intrusion prevention system) 6.2.7

IDS(入侵检测系统,intrusion detection system) 6.2.6

IPv6(下一代互联网协议,internet protocol version 6) 6.1.35

ISMS(信息安全管理体泵,information security management system) 6.2.16

IT(信息技术,information technology) 2.0.21

ITS(智能交通系统,intelligent transportation system) 3.2.2

LBS(基于位置的服务,location-based service) 6.3.26

LiDAR(激光雷达,light detection and ranging) 6.3.30

MAN(城域网,metropolitan area network) 2.0.19

MIS(管理信息系统,management information system) 6.1.8

NEGN(国家电子政务网,national e-government network) 6.4.10

OA(办公自动化,office automation) 6.1.7

POI(兴趣点,point of interest) 6.3.23

RFID(射频识别,radio frequency identification) 6.1.28

RTK(实时动态相对定位,real time kinematic relative positioning) 6.3.27

SAS(安全防范系统,security protection and alarm system) 4.7.14

SCM(供应链管理,supply chain management) 4.6.9

SCS(结构化布线系统,structured cabling system) 4.7.11

SOA(面向服务的架构,service-oriented architecture) 6.1.16

STEP(产品模型数据交换标准,standard for the exchange of product model data) 6.1.20

UERS(城市应急救援联动系统,urban emergency response system) 3.5.4

UPMIS(城市规划管理信息系统,urban planning management information system) 3.1.2

VC(虚拟施工,virtual construction) 4.3.11

VDC(虚拟设计与施工,virtual design and construction) 4.2.6

VPN(虚拟专用网,virtual private network) 6.1.26

VRML(虚拟现实建模语言,virtual reality modeling language) 6.1.42

VSCS(视频安防控制系统,video surveillance and control system) 4.7.22

WBS(项目分解结构,work breakdown structure) 4.3.6

WiFi(无线保真,wireless fidelity) 6.1.32

WLAN(无线局域网,wireless local area networks) 6.1.31



1 为便于在执行本标准条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下:

1) 表示很严格,非这样做不可的:


2) 表示严格,在正常情况下均应这样做的:


3) 表示允许稍有选择,在条件许可时首先应这样做的:


4) 表示有选择,在一定条件下可以这样做的,采用“可”。

2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为“应符合……的规定”或“应按……执行”。



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